SleepCube Heated Humidifier from Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare


The SleepCube Heated Humidifier integrates seamlessly into the AutoAdjust and Standard CPAPs by DeVilbiss. The humidifier doesn’t add anything to the footprint and takes it power from the CPAP machine directly, making it as simple to use as possible.

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£139.00with VAT Relief

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Get even more from your SleepCube with a humidifier

Add a heated humidifier to your SleepCube Standard or AutoAdjust for added breathing comfort and reduced sinus problems. The SleepCube heated humidifier simply slots in under the PAP device and integrates seamlessly. No need for yet another power point and cable and no more space needed than you already allocated on your bedside table.

The intelligent design of the SleepCube Heated Humidifier means that your SleepCube simply sits on top of it – ensuring that your CPAP system takes up no more space as the additional volume is only being added to the height, and not to the width or length like many other humidifier designs.

If you find CPAP therapy uncomfortable due to the air being cold (particularly during the winter months) or you’re waking up with a dried out mouth, throat or nasal passages then a humidifier could greatly improve your comfort. It gently heats the air and ensures your airways stay moist and comfortable, and helps reduce irritation and inflammation. A humidifier will particularly benefit those using a full face or oral mask.

The SleepCube heated humidifier is controlled from the main PAP unit’s display. Try and use the cleanest water you can find to ensure you enjoy the benefits of heated humidification for as long as possible. A manual is included which tells you how to maintain the humidifier, how to install it and how to use it.

This is the entire humidifier unit with water chamber, heating plate and docking station. If you just need a new water chamber, please see under humidifier spares & parts. The humidifier chamber is dishwasher-proof for ease of cleaning.

Additional information

Weight 1070 g
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 6 cm

Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare

VAT relief eligible


Made In





24 Months (water chamber 3 months)

CE/UKCA Certified


Packaged weight


Compatible with

SleepCube CPAP Machines

Dimensions (humidifier only)

160 x 210 x 66mm

Dimensions (attached to CPAP)

165 x 210 x 163 mm

