DreamStation 2 CPAP Machine Filters from Philips

SKU1142687 1142831

Replacement disposable ultra-fine and reusable pollen filters for the Philips DreamStation 2.

Your filters ensure you breathe in purified airflow; they help to remove bacteria, pollen, dust, and tobacco smoke particles before you breathe them in through your mask.

Replacing your filters is an essential part of maintaining the life of your machine and other supplies. Replacing and cleaning your filters helps you gain the most benefits from your therapy, protecting your respiratory tract against pathogens and irritants.

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Replacement Filters for Philips DreamStation 2

Replacement disposable ultra-fine and reusable pollen filters for the Philips DreamStation 2 only.


How to clean and take care of your DreamStation filters

Your DreamStation 2 machine requires two types of filters to run efficiently: disposable and reusable filters. Please refer to your user manual when handling your CPAP filters.

Here is some advice to help you get the most from your CPAP filters:

  • You can find your filters when sliding out your humidifier chamber, where you will find the filters access area. Your disposable filters sit on top of your reusable filters.
  • Your thin disposable filters are blue and should be disposed of after 30 days of use, as they cannot be rinsed and reused.
  • Your reusable filters are grey and should be cleaned every two weeks. Wash them thoroughly under tap water to remove dirt, then set them aside to air dry. They should be replaced every six months.
  • Once you have cleaned or replaced your filters, slot them back into the access area and slide your humidifier chamber in.


You may notice your machine is not delivering sufficient air pressure; this is when you should check your filters. If your filters have darkened or look discoloured, then they need cleaning or replacing to ensure you breathe in filtered airflow.


What happens if you don’t change filters?

Your filters catch bacteria and dirt particles to protect you from breathing them in. If you do not change your filters when necessary, your equipment’s lifespan will decrease, and you will be at risk of pathogens and irritants.


Additional information

CE/UKCA Certified


Compatible with

DreamStation 2



Made In

United Kingdom





VAT relief eligible
